Blockchain Bibliotheca

Web3 Simplified - A Beginners Guide to Blockchain, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, NFT's, the Metaverse and more

It attempts to provide very basic, simple, clear and easy to understand introductory explanations of new terms and technology surrounding the so called “Web3” as well as the “ Metaverse”. These include things like blockchain, bitcoin, decentralized finance, NFTs, and more.

The book is written specifically for the uninitiated, newcomers and anyone curious about these developments yet are baffled by the concepts and terminology surrounding them.

Web3 Simplified - A Beginners Guide to Blockchain, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, NFT's, the Metaverse and more
Steve Sarner

The Author

Steve Sarner

Hello and welcome to my author page. I write non fiction on subjects that I have had some experience with which I hope interested readers will find useful. I am not an expert on any of the subjects I write about but, I share my own experiences and perspectives to be helpful. In the spirit of writing to share knowledge, I also share any and all profit from my book sales with STEM educational organizations, particularly those focused on underrepresented groups. Thanks for visiting my page!

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