Blockchain Bibliotheca

Web3 Revolution: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, NFT and Metaverse

The term Web3 was born in 2014 as an antithesis to Web2, characterized by the centralization of data by a small number of companies, the so-called Big Tech. On the contrary, Web3 focuses on decentralization and information security thanks mainly to a distributed architecture: the Blockchain.

Moreover, the Blockchain makes possible a series of applications such as Cryptocurrencies, Non-Fungible Tokens or Smart Contracts that promise to revolutionize the exchange and management of information as we know it today.

And that's not all: the Metaverse, thanks to Virtual and Augmented Reality, is fertile ground for the application of these technologies, potentially representing a unique ecosystem of its kind. However, this ecosystem in which individuals, groups and companies will find themselves operating will not be free of challenges to be faced and opportunities to be seized.

This book aims to describe in a simple, clear and effective way the main technologies behind the Web3 with the ambition to bring more and more people to these new scenarios, present and future, and ensure that more and more people will be able to seize the opportunities offered.

Web3 Revolution: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, NFT and Metaverse
Nicola Accialini

The Author

Nicola Accialini

Nicola Accialini is passionate about innovation and technology. In his professional career he has managed new product development projects and has focused on the implementation of manufacturing technologies in Italy, Spain and Germany.

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