Blockchain Bibliotheca

Blockchain Life: Making Sense of the Metaverse, NFTs, Cryptocurrency, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Web3

The World Is About to Change. Will You Be Ready or Get Left Behind? The biggest revolution in history is unfolding right before our eyes. The new internet is upon us, blending two worlds—digital and physical. Today’s dreams are tomorrow’s reality. Science fiction is now science fact—made possible through blockchain technology.

Welcome to Web3, where everything changes. Global changes like economies, currencies, governments, and education. And personal changes like identity, sex, communication, and health. This book is a simple map to help you navigate the noise and discern between hype and hope. With unbiased expertise, the authors unpack the pros and cons of the metaverse, NFTs, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, cryptocurrencies, and much more.

Blockchain Life: Making Sense of the Metaverse, NFTs, Cryptocurrency, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Web3
Kary Oberbrunner

The Authors

Kary Oberbrunner

KARY OBERBRUNNER is a Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author of more than a dozen books. As CEO of Igniting Souls and Blockchain Life, he helps authors, entrepreneurs, and influencers publish, protect, and promote their Intellectual Property and turn it into 18 streams of income. His companies are committed to: Setting Free World-Changing Ideas. An award-winning novelist, TEDx speaker, screenwriter, and inventor, he’s been featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, CBS, Fox News, Yahoo, and many other major media outlets. As a young man, he suffered from severe stuttering, depression, and self-injury. Today a transformed man, Kary ignites souls. He speaks internationally on a variety of topics including leadership, personal growth, human performance, blockchain technology, and entrepreneurship. As a futurist, he often consults on marketing, branding, Intellectual Property, and Web3. He has several earned degrees, including a Bachelor of Arts, Masters in Divinity, and Doctorate in Transformational Leadership. He also serves as the Berry Chair of Entrepreneurship at Cedarville University, where he teaches on the topics of Entrepreneurship and Digital Marketing. Kary enjoys cycling, especially in the French Alps. He lives in Ohio with his wife Kelly and three children: Keegan, Isabel, and Addison.

Lee Richter

Lee Richter

Award-winning CEO, Marketing Expert, Innovator and Global Leader, Lee Richter, is recognized for many years as one of San Francisco’s Top 100 Women Business Leaders, Top 100 Fastest Growing Businesses … and in 2022, she was named one of the Top 100 Innovators in the San Francisco Bay Area by the San Francisco Business Times. Expanding on her successful entrepreneurial journey, Lee utilizes her superpower in public relations to connect the business world with the future of business and marketing. She inspires entrepreneurs and business owners to realize the importance of NFTs and blockchain and empowers them to develop and implement a strategy in their company. Lee teaches leaders globally to incorporate NFTs in their business as a tactic to achieve financial and professional success in the current marketplace. In addition, she is a best-selling co-author of “Blockchain Life” and is exploring and identifying ways the blockchain is changing how we conduct business in the future. Most importantly, Lee is a loving and devoted wife and mother. With Lee’s help, her daughter Abbey became a best-selling author… at the age of 9, and her husband is recognized as a global thought leader in the veterinary industry for his expertise in holistic health for pets and effective integrative medicine. Lee and her family follow their passion as they love to travel and explore the world together while meeting interesting people and global leaders along the way!

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