Blockchain Bibliotheca

Beginning with Web3: An essential guide to building dApps in the new internet era

This book offers a clear, easy-to-understand introduction to the core concepts of Web3 and blockchain technology, setting the stage for anyone looking to dive into the development of decentralized applications (dApps). With a focus on Ethereum blockchain, node infrastructure, wallets, and key management, it lays the essential groundwork for secure and efficient Web3 development.

This book explores Web3, a decentralized web powered by blockchain technology. Discover Ethereum's role and tools for building Web3 apps as you dive into DeFi, NFTs, and deploying apps across blockchains. After reading this book, you will be able to unveil the potential of AI integration in Web3. Imagine a web where control is not centralized but distributed across many computers. You will learn Ethereum basics, transaction processing, and node functions. You will be able to securely manage digital assets with crypto wallets and utilize tools like Truffle and Hard Hat for smart contract development. The book teaches how to deploy apps across blockchain networks and understand AI's role in enhancing Web3.

Whether you are aiming to transition into Web3 development or looking to deepen your existing skills, this book offers invaluable insights into the latest technologies and trends.

Beginning with Web3: An essential guide to building dApps in the new internet era
Ken Huang

The Author

Ken Huang

Ken Huang is an acclaimed author of 8 books on AI and Web3. He is the Co-Chair of the AI Organizational Responsibility Working Group and AI Control Framework at the Cloud Security Alliance. In addition, Huang contributed extensively to key initiatives in the space. He is a core contributor to OWASP's Top 10 Risks for LLM Applications and heavily involved in the NIST Generative AI Public Working Group. He also provides feedback on publications like NIST SP 800-226. A sought-after speaker, Ken has shared his insights at renowned global conferences, including those hosted by Davos WEF, ACM, IEEE, and CSA AI Summit, CSA AI Think Tank Day and World Bank. His recent co-authorship of "Blockchain and Web3: Building the Cryptocurrency, Privacy, and Security Foundations of the Metaverse" adds to his reputation, with the book being recognized as one of the must-reads in both 2023 and 2024 by TechTarget.

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