Blockchain Bibliotheca

Web3 Social: How Creators Are Changing the World Wide Web (And You Can Too!)

In this fast paced world of the Internet, how can you make sure you are leaving your mark?

Since 1990, the World Wide Web has developed through three phases. The read phase gave individuals and companies a platform for publishing on a broader scale than ever before, but it wasn't interactive. The read-write phase allows readers and creators to interact with each other on the same Web page, but it has a few drawbacks: Creators are not compensated for the content they produce for platforms, their data is not secure, and they have no ownership of user-generated content.

Web3 is emerging to expand the opportunities for creators by delivering tools that help them regain their content freedom, monetize their content better, safeguard their personal data, and fight back against censorship.

In this book, you will learn:

- Why the best safeguard against censorship is decentralization

- How the internet changed from being a decentralized asset no one owns or controls to being a centralized collage of walled gardens

- Why user-generated content is so valuable to platforms like Facebook and Twitter but not so great for creators

- How blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are giving creators their freedom back

- What creators can do today to secure their content freedom, expand their monetization options, and secure their data

This book is for anyone who wants to know the inside and out of Web3. By knowing these, you will be able to navigate it and make sure you retain your content freedom while fighting against the censorship creators are experiencing on legacy social media platforms.

Web3 Social: How Creators Are Changing the World Wide Web (And You Can Too!)
Allen Taylor

The Author

Allen Taylor

Allen Taylor is founder and publisher at Garden Gnome Publications (GGP) and Crux Publications, creator and editor of the Biblical Legends Anthology Series, and is a published poet, essayist, and fiction writer. A former newspaper editor and award-winning journalist, he has ghostwritten several books for business professionals and makes his living as a freelance writer in the fintech, blockchain, and cryptocurrency niches. In fiction, he specializes in the weird speculative fiction literary genre. In nonfiction, he operates in two genres - Christian living and cryptocurrencies. From April through Fall, he and his wife travel in a van between Texas and Pennsylvania. During the winter months, they park in Texas and live off-grid in a bus.

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