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Wallet Led Growth: Web3 growth strategies for brands

Get a grip on NFTs and learn how to get in the game "Wallet-Led Growth: Web3 Growth Strategies for Brands" is an indispensable guide for marketers, strategists, and entrepreneurs navigating the evolving digital landscape. This book addresses the burgeoning challenges in digital marketing, such as rising customer acquisition costs (CAC), the transition towards a cookieless internet, stringent privacy regulations, increasing customer churn, and the dependency on powerful social platforms for customer engagement.

The book explores the emergence of wallet-led growth and the strategic adjustments necessary for a cookieless internet. It provides a deep dive into the impact of Web3 on consumer engagement, detailing how it revolutionizes loyalty, rewards, and ownership through blockchain technologies. The discussion extends to creating frictionless onboarding experiences, enhancing user engagement in gaming, and seizing vast opportunities through open wallets.

Key sections like "Crafting a Wallet Led Growth Strategy" and "The Wallet Marketing Playbook" offer practical insights for leveraging wallet technologies to build direct channels to customers, reduce churn, and effectively target and retain consumers in a privacy-focused era. The later chapters focus on measuring success through specific metrics and KPIs, utilizing Web3 wallets as a new tool for customer engagement, and navigating the complex landscape of legal and regulatory issues. It concludes with strategic and tactical advice on future-proofing brands against rapid technological advancements and shifting consumer expectations.

Wallet Led Growth: Web3 growth strategies for brands
Nitin Kumar

The Author

Nitin Kumar

Nitin Kumar, a graduate in journalism and mass communication, is a contemporary storyteller and author who illuminates the love stories of small towns of India. His debut novel ‘The way she loved’ was published in October 2016 when he was just 18 years old and received so much of love by the readers. Nitin Kumar completed his schooling from a small town of Uttar Pradesh and moved to New Delhi to pursue his dreams. He worked as a content writer in AJK mass communication and research center, Jamia Millia University under Ministry of human resource and human development. He also writes for web portals, e-Magazines, and blogs. Being a keen observer, his stories are usually based on true incidents and observations. He knows what the readers want and so, he is well connected with the readers. For more information, you can connect with him on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram at @nitin567567

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